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COOLMan Ice Factory (Pvt) Ltd.
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Our Products

Block Ice

This versatile product is used for purposes that include preventing food spoilage in outdoor locations and creating bases for decorative food service arrangements. Block ice is also used by ice sculptors as raw material. You can order crystal-clear blocks.

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Our Products

Tube Ice

Tube Ice is a small piece of Ice, which is typically rectangular as viewed from above and Trapezoidal as viewed from the side. Tube Ices are products of mechanical Refrigeration and are usually produced to Cool Beverages.
They may be produced at home in a freezer with an Ice tray or in an Automated Ice-making accessory. They may also be produced industrially and sold commercially.

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Our Products

Flake Ice

Flake ice is a type of ice used for preserving fish and seafood. It consists of thin, flat ice flakes that quickly cool and cover the catch, helping to maintain freshness and prevent spoilage by minimizing the temperature and moisture changes during storage and transport.

Locations and Capacities

Western Province

Location Capacity
01.COOLMan Ice Factory – Mankuliya100 tons per day
02.COOLMan Ice Factory-Aluthkuruwa30 tons per day
03.COOLMan Ice Factory-Pitipana40 tons per day
04.Negombo Fishing Industries -Negombo
Located at Negombo Fisheries Harbour
30 tons per day
05.COOLMan Ice Factory-Dikovita
Located at Dikovita (Under construction)

Eastern Province

06.COOLMan Ice Factory -Valachchenai100 tons per day
07.COOLMan Ice Factroy-Oluvil30 tons per day
08.COOLMan Ice Factory-Trincomalee50 tons per day

Northern Province

09.COOLMan Ice Factory-Pesalei-Mannar18 tons per day
10.COOLMan Ice Factory- Mullativu30 tons per day
11.COOLMan Ice Factory-Ponnalei-Jaffna30 tons per day

North Western Province

12.COOLMan Ice Factory-Kalpitiya
Located at Kalpitiya Fisheries Harbour
30 tons per day
13.COOLMan Ice Factory -Nainamadama150 tons per day
14.COOLMan Ice Factory-Kurigngnampitiya -Kalpitiya (Under construction)

Southern Province

15.COOLMan Ice Factory-Beruwala
(Under construction)
50 tons per day

Distribution Centers

01.Dikovita Harbour

Tube Ice Factory

01.Divulapitya10 tons per day

COOLMan Network